Protecting And Preserving Your Assets For The Future
Many people think the words “asset protection” are something only designed for the wealthy. But the truth is, everyone should take steps to protect what they have worked for and to make sure it goes to the people they believe deserve it when that time comes.
There are also other reasons that asset protection is a valuable idea. For instance, it is tremendously helpful to assist in helping disabled loved ones protect their assets so they have enough to live on as well as to take measures to prevent exploitation by people who may try and take advantage of their vulnerabilities.
At the Baker Law Firm, we understand these concerns and we are here to protect you, your loved ones, and the estate you have worked hard to build. The skilled Connecticut asset protection attorneys at our firm pride themselves on helping families find creative, legal avenues to protect assets and successfully transfer their wealth to intended recipients using valid estate planning instruments. Call us at 203-885-1344 to schedule an appointment to learn more about how we can help you in this important estate planning area.
Family Business Planning In Connecticut
If your family owns a business and you need help with succession planning, we can help you draft the appropriate documents that protect your wishes and clear the way for a smooth transition that keeps the business running profitable with minimal interruptions.
We can also help you negotiate and plan for tax consequences when it comes to bequests and passing on assets to family members, nonprofits and other entities while you are alive, if you become incapacitated, or once you pass away. We can help you assess whether the following tools may help accomplish these wishes:
- Trust funds
- Education trusts
- Charitable trusts
We take the time to craft plans and solutions that incorporate each client’s total picture. We are committed to offering personalized service that includes our clients feeling as though they understand every option. You are the final decision-maker regarding your future and how your estate should be handled.
The Experienced Advocates You Need Today
Your family’s legacy should be protected. Nobody likes to think about how an injury, illness or unexpected death could impact their lives. However, if you haven’t created a plan to protect your assets, your family could be taken advantage of and your wishes may stay unknown.
Let us help safeguard your family, your estate and everything you’ve worked hard to create. No matter what your asset protection planning needs are, the lawyers at the Baker Law Firm can help you realize an answer and plan that best fits your needs. To get started today, please contact our Danbury law firm online or call us at 203-885-1344.