Providing Advance Direction Regarding Medical Care And Decision-Making
One of the greatest gifts we can give our family members is the gift of telling them how we would make critical medical decisions and giving someone the authority to make those decisions when we cannot.
The time of a sudden, serious injury or critical illness is very stressful for loved ones. Written guidance about your wishes for medical care (an advance directive or living will) can give family members comfort that they are taking the actions you would want.
At the Baker Law Firm, estate planning attorney Fred L. Baker has been helping people communicate their wishes to their family members since 1976. To schedule a consultation at our Danbury law office, call us at 203-885-1344.
Advance Directives
There are two types of advance directives, which can be used by adults of all ages.
- Medical and end of life care instructions: A health care directive (commonly known as a living will) gives your loved ones specific instructions about the type of medical care you would or would not like to receive. It can also include information on organ donation.
- Decision-making authority: A power of attorney allows a family member or another person to make decisions on your behalf. These decisions can involve medical care, or they can involve financial matters or business decision-making. Decision-making authority can be temporary or may be permanent, in which case the decision-maker takes on many of the roles of a conservator in managing the person’s estate.
Some people find it difficult to think of such issues. They are uncomfortable with the topic or are unsure about what medical instructions to include in a living will. Estate planning lawyer Fred L. Baker has more than 30 years of experience helping people consider these important topics. He can provide the knowledgeable legal guidance you need to make these decisions.
Contact the estate planning lawyer at the Baker Law Firm in Connecticut to schedule a consultation.